
Nai Asha

Dear Friends

Dear Friends
We welcome you into this month of September.
In a bid to play our part to help the eradication of Human trafficking and slavery in India, we had a meeting with the Director General of Police, Mrs Sutapa Sanyal and also she is the Chief of the Anti-Human trafficking unit ( AHTU) of the state.

Friends she gave important information that we all should know and share with everyone. we need all hands joined together to fight this battle of trafficking.

The population of women in India is about 49%. One out of every 6 women in India lives in Uttar Pradesh. One out of every 36 woman in the world lives in Uttar Pradesh. The police force has initiated units to handle cases against women in the state. The sensitization program is going on and we want you all to be aware of the institution put in place to assist and help women.

We want you to take this information serious as it came directly from the Director General of Police of the state:
Uttar Pradesh Police Force has created an Anti-Human trafficking units to tackle the issue of Human trafficking especially cases against women and children. They have created a medium for complains and reports to be lodged so as to ensure immediate action…You are 100% assured that your identity will not be revealed..If you know of any woman or child being abused, exploited or trafficked or you suspect any illegal action against any woman or child, PLEASE there is a means of contacting the police made available and easy without your identity being revealed…These are the helplines given by Mrs Sutapa Sanyal, the Director General of Police:

Landline- +91 5222325200
Phone no- +91 9454401149
Mail – uppmsp-up@gov.in
website- www.uppolice.gov.in
Facebook- www.facebook.com/mahilasammanPrakoshth

Just send a message of your complaint and you can be assured of immediate action.
Note, your identity would not be revealed.

Please share this and help people who might need it. You don’t know whose life this might save….LIKE AND SHARE

This was the result of the meeting Nai Asha had with the DG of Police.. We as an NGO works with the Police and Mahila Samman Prakoshth to Stand with women and children against Human trafficking.and we are helping in whatever way we can…WE need all Hands to be together to achieve this….

Once again please share this as an important message.


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Nai Asha is working against human trafficking

Dear friends

Thanks for your likes. I believe you would find this page informative, educative and interesting. i urge you to share every information you get on this page with as many people as possible….
Nai Asha is working against human trafficking, but it is you and me that would help ensure our success.. we have to speak up, create as much awareness as possible about this inhumane trade and activities…you and me can do our parts to end human trafficking in all its forms..

Lets start with this story…I assure you that all facts and stories you get here are true and reliable

Get an intriguing story of how indias human traffickers take advantage of Nepal earthquake on….

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A Human Tragedy

A Human Tragedy
1.4 million people which is approximately 56% of all human trafficking are in Asia and the Pacific. In India, more than 200,000 people are trafficked into, within, or through out the country every year. Approximately 80% of human trafficking victims are women and girls.

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.  Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person”– United Nations articles 1 and 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights(1948).

We all have a part to play in stopping this..It begins with You…We Hope and Pray for a Better India, free of human trafficking and slavery, upholding justice and freedom.

God Bless India

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